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        / 现代果茶 / 专家大院

        Mr.Craig Hornblow(克雷格•霍恩布朗)

        发布时间:2020年10月09日 14:36 阅读次数:来源:果茶站打印本页 关闭窗口

        Mr.Craig Hornblow(克雷格·霍恩布朗)    Agfirst Consultants第一农业园艺咨询网总经理,主要负责向新西兰、澳大利亚、美国和智利的种植户和行业机构提供系列农业技术推广服务和行业咨询,技术转让和研发服务。在专业领域有25年从业经验。本次论坛主要讨论如何降低果园生产成本,提高果园的经济效益,从而实现果园可持续发展。(新西兰)

        Craig HornblowNew Zealand

        Craig is a managing director of Agfirst Consultants an independent agricultural and horticultural consultancy company based in New Zealand. Agfirst Delivers a range of on farm and industry consultancy, technology transfer and  research and development services to growers and industry bodies, including clients in New Zealand Australia, USA and Chile. Craig’s specialist areas from his 25 years’ experience are: orchard systems and their impact on performance of a sustainable business, achieve higher quality yields and lower cost through improved crop load management.

        Produced By 大汉网络 大汉版通发布系统